History PowerPoint Presentations
Complete US History course on 33 PowerPoint presentations. Common Core versions are now available.
Now available in Keynote format for Mac computers
and iPads. (iPad Users only: Please read this before ordering.)
History PowerPoint Presentations
Complete World History Course on 25 PowerPoint presentations.
Now available in Keynote format for Mac computers and iPads. (iPad Users only: Please read this before ordering.)
PowerPoint Presentations
5 US Government PowerPoint Presentations covering the origins
of government, major institutions.
Map Set
Part Census maps, part historical maps, this 36 map internet delivery set enhances map reading skills.
New US History PowerPoint Presentations aligned to the Common Core
We have added Common Core versions of all 33 US History presentations. Each presentation features. two lesson plans fully aligned to National History and Common Core standards. DVDs also include the standard version of the PowerPoint presentatons. Standard versions can also be purchased without the Common Core versions.

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History Games
Motivate students to learn
about history by involving them in historical events
and allowing them to make decisions.
Over 3,500 images on each disc, including primary source
documents, charts, graphs, photographs, maps, political cartoons,
and art.
Film Collection, Pre-1910-2000s
Each of the four parts contains hundreds of historic newsreels,
government, business and other films. For PC and Mac computers.
